About Us
Abramtle International Pte Ltd was established in 2004 with Mr James Kam Yew Chee as the Director of the company.
For the past years, Abramtle has gained her reputation and recognition through some of the key projects such as the upgrading works for The Edge on Cairnhill and the design work for Bullion Park Condominium's lobbies and has tendered into government projects such as Sports SG and Punggol Community Center.
2018 - PRESENT
Since then, Abramtle has been added to the referral and recommendation lists of numerous prestigious condominiums (refer to attached). We have taken part in multiple innovative material supply projects and renovations at a bungalow on Dalvey Road that was highlighted in HOMES. Additionally, we were covered by the media for the first Design and Build, AHL (Tampines). One of our major project for One Shenton was published in StraitsTimes for a LEAF Award (May'23) and also chosen for filming by a popular K-drama artist in 'A Little Woman'.
Why Choose Us
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
We are not just designers or builders. We are more than consultants or architectural interior designers.That's because we look at you and your needs quite differently. We believe each situation calls for a different approach. And we will go with you all the way. From start to the end. We look after every single aspect of your project, Making sure everything goes right and solving every wrong. In the end, we just know you better.
Design With Passion
Quality Outcome
Safety In Mind
Value Added Projects
Functionality Accommodation

One Shenton
Active Health Lab
•Active Health Lab is the latest project completed by Abramtle International Pte Ltd. Attended and opened by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong(see photos)

Our Clients